Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Sparkling New Year...

1. Blog More
2. Get Another tattoo
3. Watch 26 new movies, starting with each letter of the alphabet
4. 365 Day Photo Challenge
5. Go to 5 museums
6. See 10 movies in the theater
7. Take a photo for each letter of the alphabet
8. Make at least 10 recipes from Pinterest
9. Put away $10 for each task completed
10. Loose weight
11. Cut out soda
12. Cut out fast food
13. 3 concerts
14. Road Trip
15. Volunteer
16. Buy a bike
17. Keep a day planner
18. Eat a piece of fruit everyday for two weeks
19. Watch 10 movies from IMDB's 250 Greatest Movies List
20. Picnic
21. Make a playlist of 101 of my favorite songs
22. Dye my hair
23. Go to the Casino
24. Visit 3 new cities
25. 10 Pinterest Craft projects
26. Get new glasses
27. Give 10 "just because" gifts
28. Get 4 piercings
29. Start taking (hair) vitamins
30. Print my Instagram photos
31. Send a care package
32. Take up a sport
33. Go to a Pumpkin Patch
34. Overcome 2 of my fears
35. Train or Bus trip to a new state or city
36. Put $150 away a month for 6 months
37. Fill a book with things I'm grateful for, & that make me happy
38. Attend a midnight premiere of a movie
39. Flea Markets
40. Sketch more
41. Try yoga
42. Stop biting my nails
43. Cut down on buying unnecessary things
44. See a movie in the theater alone
45. Buy and finish a Wreck This Journal
46. Go Green
47. Scavenger Hunt
48. Sunday Brunch once a month
49. Take pictures in a photobooth
50. Buy and read 10 new books
51. Pay for the person's coffee behind me in line
52. Go apple picking
53. Zoo @ least 5 times
54. Visit 2 new states
55. Open a "Christmas Account" make monthly payments
56. "2015" box
57. See 2 movies in the theater in 1 day
58. Washington DC
59. $5 away for every task not completed

60. Buy someone flowers
61. Ice Skating
62. Mini Golf
63. Take a picture of each task completed
64. Go to the aquarium
65. Central Park Zoo
66. Try 5 new foods
67. Start taking my lunch to work
68. Do 10 Random Acts of Kindness
69. Learn a recipe from my grandma
70. Join a gym
71. Stay in a hotel
72. Go bowling
73. Go skiing, snowboarding, or snow tubing
74. Wine tasting
75. Visit Coney Island
76. Dress up for Halloween
77. Get, fill, and develop a disposable camera
78. Meditate once a week
79. Try to stop wearing so much black. =(
80. Upgrade my phone
81. Complain less
82. Atlantic City
83. But a lottery ticket
84. Buy a piece of jewelry from Tiffany & Co.
85. Try and eat something for breakfast everyday
86. But 3 new CD's
87. Stop being so negative
88. Start saving money for an Emergency Fund
89. Watch 3 TV shows I've never seen before
90. Watch all Harry Potter movies
91. Give a fake name for everything this year
92. Open a bank account
93. Complete a coloring book
94. Attend a MLB game
95. Attend a NFL game
96. Attend a NHL game
97. Identify a 100 things that make me happy/smile. Photograph them
98. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
99. Spend more time with my grandma
100. Don't cut my hair (as much as I want to)
101. Write another list

So there is my list of everything I want to do this year. A lot of this stuff is pretty easy to and I can do quickly, other things I have to plan for. Hope I can get everything done. Since I'm trying to be more positive I'm going to say I have a feeling this is going to be a great year. haha Until next time (because I plan to blog more also lol)


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